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Belgae Julius Caesar records that people from Belgic Gaul (probably from an area to the south of present day Belgium) raided the coasts of southeast Britain, eventually settling around Winchester, called Venta Belgarum by the Romans (which translates as "the market of the Belgae tribe").The Belgae brought a higher standard of living to the British aristocracy, and their influence led to the development of very advanced settlements. Belgic patronage encouraged smiths and potters to greater achievements, many of the finest pieces of art from Iron age Celtic Britain are the result.The arrival of the Belgae resulted in a great flowering of Celtic culture and opened trade links and contacts with Rome that eventually played no small part in the Roman conquest and of the transformation of Celtic England and Wales into Roman Britannia.  

  1. Adso Belgae
  2. Ailla Belgae
  3. Aisling Belgae
  4. Aislinn Belgae
  5. Ajasmine Belgae
  6. Alanna Belgae
  7. Alara Belgae
  8. Alexander Belgae
  9. Alexei Belgae
  10. Algae Belgae
  11. Ambiorix Belgae
  12. Anytus Belgae
  13. Armand Belgae
  14. Ashlan Belgae
  15. Asterix Belgae
  16. Athyra Belgae
  17. Aud Belgae
  18. BEAR Belgae
  19. Batfastard Belgae
  20. Belgae Belgae
  21. Belgor Belgae
  22. Bellugar Belgae
  23. Benedicta Belgae
  24. Blodeuwedd Belgae
  25. Boanna Belgae
  26. Bolg Belgae
  27. Boria Belgae
  28. Bran Belgae
  29. Branwen Belgae
  30. Brayl Belgae
  31. Brecht Belgae
  32. Brett Belgae
  33. Brie Belgae
  34. Brigette Belgae
  35. Brighid Belgae
  36. Brigid Belgae
  37. Brunahild Belgae
  38. Caoimhe Belgae
  39. Carla Belgae
  40. Carmilla Belgae
  41. Celeborn Belgae
  42. Cerridwen Belgae
  43. Challen Belgae
  44. Chastain Belgae
  45. Cingetorix Belgae
  46. Clenus Belgae
  47. Constance Belgae
  48. Cormac Belgae
  49. CouthieHen Belgae
  50. Crystal Belgae
  51. Cryxstal Belgae
  52. Cthemrun Belgae
  53. Cuchulainn Belgae
  54. DUNOTTAR Belgae
  55. Dagda Belgae
  56. Darkness Belgae
  57. Ddm Belgae
  58. Deanta Belgae
  59. Devon Belgae
  60. Diviciacus Belgae
  61. DiviciacusDu Belgae
  62. DiviciacusOf Belgae
  63. Eagleheart Belgae
  64. Echos Belgae
  65. Eden Belgae
  66. Egil Belgae
  67. Elizabeth Belgae
  68. Epona Belgae
  69. Eric Belgae
  70. Eriu Belgae
  71. Ethel Belgae
  72. Etwynn Belgae
  73. Eugene Belgae
  74. Faganus Belgae
  75. Failte Belgae
  76. Falbala Belgae
  77. Fergus Belgae
  78. Filiberke Belgae
  79. Freia Belgae
  80. GROM Belgae
  81. Ganieda Belgae
  82. Gareth Belgae
  83. Gawen Belgae
  84. Gilhanah Belgae
  85. Guinevere Belgae
  86. Guisgo Belgae
  87. Gwen Belgae
  88. Haggus Belgae
  89. HansMoleman Belgae
  90. Helix Belgae
  91. IchthusVenta Belgae
  92. Igoror Belgae
  93. Iliya Belgae
  94. Imbolc Belgae
  95. Indra Belgae
  96. Jasper Belgae
  97. Jernus Belgae
  98. Jima Belgae
  99. JimmyBlue Belgae
  100. Jimrust Belgae
  101. Joost Belgae
  102. Karinet Belgae
  103. Kate Belgae
  104. Kearablue Belgae
  105. Kelly Belgae
  106. Kethed Belgae
  107. Kiana Belgae
  108. Knuth Belgae
  109. Kyriell Belgae
  110. LadyGuinness Belgae
  111. Lardae Belgae
  112. LdyBella Belgae
  113. Llanelli Belgae
  114. Llewelyn Belgae
  115. Lovernios Belgae
  116. Lugh Belgae
  117. Lyfja Belgae
  118. Lyssa Belgae
  119. Mabon Belgae
  120. Mabont Belgae
  121. Maddie Belgae
  122. Marcel Belgae
  123. Marion Belgae
  124. Maurice Belgae
  125. Maurix Belgae
  126. Meave Belgae
  127. Medrano Belgae
  128. Meghana Belgae
  129. Meillyn Belgae
  130. Melisant Belgae
  131. Menolly Belgae
  132. Merlin Belgae
  133. Mickey Belgae
  134. Mithrash Belgae
  135. Moira Belgae
  136. Molly Belgae
  137. Mommagoose Belgae
  138. MoonMagus Belgae
  139. Moonfire Belgae
  140. Morgaine Belgae
  141. Morgan Belgae
  142. Morrighan Belgae
  143. Mutti Belgae
  144. Myrddin Belgae
  145. Nicasius Belgae
  146. Nicolaf Belgae
  147. Nimue Belgae
  148. Nuadha Belgae
  149. Plasticed Belgae
  150. Posideon Belgae
  151. Priscilla Belgae
  152. Quembel Belgae
  153. QuintusTitus Belgae
  154. Radigund Belgae
  155. Raven Belgae
  156. Rbw Belgae
  157. Renatta Belgae
  158. Renauld Belgae
  159. Rhiannon Belgae
  160. Rianna Belgae
  161. Roawyn Belgae
  162. Rowan Belgae
  163. Rowanshyne Belgae
  164. SBertilak Belgae
  165. Saille Belgae
  166. Sammet Belgae
  167. Sarlinna Belgae
  168. Sasanach Belgae
  169. Scarlett46 Belgae
  170. Seamus Belgae
  171. Shea Belgae
  172. Sheighlach Belgae
  173. Shimyra Belgae
  174. Sive Belgae
  175. Sjefke Belgae
  176. Skatha Belgae
  177. Sorcha Belgae
  178. Sparrowhawk Belgae
  179. Spicewood Belgae
  180. Spunky Belgae
  181. Sul Belgae
  182. Sulis Belgae
  183. Sunwyn Belgae
  184. TD4sc Belgae
  185. TheCrow Belgae
  186. Thomas Belgae
  187. Titurel Belgae
  188. Tom Belgae
  189. Trifin Belgae
  190. Ubar Belgae
  191. Uinn Belgae
  192. Unicorn Belgae
  193. Uthbella Belgae
  194. Uthr Belgae
  195. Valinde Belgae
  196. Viciacus Belgae
  197. Viriatus Belgae
  198. Vraiptitbelg Belgae
  199. Xanad Belgae
  200. Ymoira Belgae
  201. altha Belgae
  202. anna Belgae
  203. anthrop Belgae
  204. archeo Belgae
  205. bron Belgae
  206. catryn Belgae
  207. crovax Belgae
  208. donnie Belgae
  209. highlander Belgae
  210. jaga Belgae
  211. jeunet Belgae
  212. julius Belgae
  213. lance Belgae
  214. niamh Belgae
  215. oreanna Belgae
  216. paquirri Belgae
  217. phillippi Belgae
  218. phoenix Belgae
  219. pipoino Belgae
  220. red Belgae
  221. redwolf Belgae
  222. sara Belgae
  223. shae Belgae
  224. sonia Belgae
  225. tecumseh Belgae
  226. terrill Belgae
  227. tj Belgae
  228. wendy Belgae

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